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F1的主题曲? f1荷兰大奖赛主题曲?

  • 发布时间:2023-08-21 18:21:36 作者:Anita

一、F1的主题曲?F1主题曲:《starting at the sun》歌曲信息歌手:U2所属专辑:《Artificial Horizon》发行时间:2010-3-9《starting at the sun》歌词Maybe life is like a ride on a freeway...


F1主题曲:《starting at the sun》



所属专辑:《Artificial Horizon》


《starting at the sun》歌词

Maybe life is like a ride on a freeway

Dodging bullets while you're trying to find your way

Everyone's around, but no one does a damn thing

It brings me down, but I won't let them

If I seem bleak

Well you'd be correct

And if I don't speak

It's cause I can't disconnect

But I won't be burned by the reflection

Of the fire in your eyes

As you're staring at the sun x5

When I ran I didn't feel like a runaway

When I escaped I didn't feel like I got away

There's more to living than only surviving

Maybe I'm not there, but I'm still trying

Though you hear me

I don't think that you relate

My will is something

That you can't confiscate

So forgive me, but I won't be frustrated

By destruction in your eyes

As you're staring at the sun x2

When I ran I didn't feel like a runaway

When I escaped I didn't feel like I got away

There's more to living than only surviving

Maybe I'm not there, but I'm still trying

Though you hear me

I don't think that you relate

My will is something

That you can't confiscate

So forgive me, but I won't be frustrated

By destruction in your eyes

As you're staring at the sun x2

Maybe life is like a ride on a freeway

Dodging bullets while you're trying to find your way

Everyone's around, but no one does a damn thing

It brings me down, but I won't let them

If I seem bleak

Well you'd be correct

And if I don't speak

It's cause I can't disconnect

But I won't be burned by the reflection

Of the fire in your eyes

As you're staring at the sun x5


《Beat me》


比赛于赞得弗尔得赛道举行。荷兰大奖赛 体育 F1


马自达F1 没有赛车,是勒芒24小时拉力赛,名字叫马自达787B



1991年,马自达在第13次也是最后一次挑战中,凭借搭载了最高输出功率高达700PS的4转子R26B型发动机的Mazda 787B车型,勇夺第59届勒芒赛事综合得分冠军。



F1是Formula 1的简写,是Formula 1 Grand Prix的缩写,Formula 1GrandPrix译成中文就是“一级方程式大奖赛”。其实这项比赛的全称应该是“一级方程式赛车世界锦标赛”,英文写出来是“FIAFormula1 World Championship”。但是,通常一说F1,大家就能明白,这是在讨论陆地上开得最快的机器了。

方程式(Formula )的由来赛车活动起源于1894年,但是一直到1900年为止,对所有参赛的车辆是没有任限制的。这表示你只要「开着一台车来比赛」就行了!(唯一的分类是使用汽油或蒸气引擎)。一直到1904年现今FIA的前身组织成立,为了车辆制造商的方便、车手及观众的安全,他们试着对参赛车辆加以限制及分类。从1907至1039年之间,FIA进行过各式各样的尝试,包括了最小及最大车重、耗油率、汽缸半径,但效果都不好。直到了1939年引进了限制汽缸容量(呃......就是我们常说的c.c.数啦!),这就是方程式(Formula )的意义:一个对所有比赛车辆的限制。可惜紧接而来的二次大战使一切活动都暂停。


主题曲叫《Fight fight 开始吧》,由祝君俊演唱。














杆位又称“竿位”,英文叫“Pole Position”,意译为首发。是指在方程式赛车比赛前,为确定赛车的出发顺序而进行排位赛,排位赛成绩最好者(单圈最快)获得排在全部赛车最前面的位置,也就是第一位。


美国电视剧反击主题曲为《This Ain't No Place for a Hero》。

《This Ain't No Place for a Hero》

演唱:Arkham City

所属专辑:《Strike Back OST》



I can't see where you comin' from

But I know just what you runnin' from:

And what matters ain't the "who's baddest" but

The ones who stop you fallin' from your ladder, baby

And you feel like you feelin' now

Doin' things just to please your crowd,

But I love you like the way I love you,

And I suffer, but I ain't gonna cut you cus

This ain't no place for no hero.

This ain't no place for no better man.

This ain't no place for no hero

To call "home."

This ain't no place for no hero.

This ain't no place for no better man.

This ain't no place for no hero

To call "home."

Every time I close my eyes, I think,

I think about you inside,

And your mother, givin' up on askin' why -

Why you lie, and you cheat, and you try to make

A fool outta she...

I can't see where you comin' from,

But I know just what you're runnin' from.

And what matters ain't the "who's baddest," but the

Ones who stop you fallin' from your ladder, cos

This ain't no place for no hero.

This ain't no place for no better man.

This ain't no place for no hero

To call "home."


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